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Should you be worried about drowsy drivers on the roadways?

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Drivers in Michigan will have plenty to worry about on the roadways soon with winter weather moving in quickly. However, sometimes the weather conditions on the roads are the least of our worries. These days, we all know that distracted drivers and drunk drivers are a constant concern for all other drivers and passengers on the roadways. But, there is another concern that many people don’t think about: drowsy drivers.

That’s right – drivers who are overly tired behind the wheel can also cause deadly car accidents. In fact, according to statistics kept by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every 25 adults over the age of 18 admitted in one study that they had fallen asleep behind the wheel within the prior 30 days. Furthermore, statistics kept by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that over a four-year period that was examined – 2005 to 2009 – an estimated 83,000 motor vehicle accidents that occurred in America annually during that time involved drowsy driving. About 37,000 injuries were caused annually in those crashes, with over 885 fatalities as well. There is no doubt: the danger of drowsy drivers should be taken seriously.

Taking legal action

Fortunately, anyone who has been injured in a car accident that was caused by another party’s negligent or reckless conduct – like drowsy driving – may be able to take legal action by pursuing a personal injury lawsuit. If successful, such a lawsuit may lead to the recovery of financial compensation that can cover costs like medical bills, among other expenses, that are oftentimes associated with motor vehicle accidents.

For more information, please visit the motor vehicle accident overview section of our law firm’s website. We do our best to help our clients consider their personal injury legal options after motor vehicle accidents in Michigan.

